Malaise Par Khalid BELYAZID
Le 26/06/2024

Un jour, un village français s’est retrouvé sans boulanger. Pas la moindre baguette. L’unique boulanger, lassé d’entendre les Français répéter «je n’aime pas les... + Lire la suite...

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Moroccans Living Abroad: The great “return”

Par Mohamed CHAOUI | Edition N°:6334 Le 26/08/2022 | Partager

The Moroccan diaspora is rubbing its hands. While it believed that the case of the institutional representation of Moroccans Living Abroad had been archived, now the King puts it back at the heart of the news, especially since about ten years ago there was a ministry in its own right, responsible for Moroccans Living Abroad. Subsequently, the Ministry was transformed into a delegated ministry before disappearing from the radar...

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