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Droit en stand-by Par Ahlam NAZIH
Le 18/09/2024

En matière d’arsenal juridique, le Maroc a toujours été bien outillé. Souvent, nos législations n’ont rien à envier aux pays les plus développés. Cependant,... + Lire la suite...

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IMF: Morocco on the verge of securing a 5 billion dollar Flexible Credit Line arrangement

Par Mohamed CHAOUI | Edition N°:6471 Le 10/03/2023 | Partager

With the Flexible Credit Line (FCL), Morocco settles in a Rolls Royce in the midst of unforeseen events and global financial turbulence. The metaphor, drawn from the colorful language of Mrs Fouzia Zaaboul, Director of Treasury and External Finance, provides information on the importance of the step that Rabat is preparing to take by asking the International Monetary Fund (IMF) for this financial facility. If the process materializes, the Flexible Credit Line is worth 5 billion US dollars, or nearly 50 billion Dirhams.

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