Droit en stand-by
Droit en stand-by Par Ahlam NAZIH
Le 18/09/2024

En matière d’arsenal juridique, le Maroc a toujours été bien outillé. Souvent, nos législations n’ont rien à envier aux pays les plus développés. Cependant,... + Lire la suite...

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Tax evasion: The Directorate is getting tough

Par Hassan EL ARIF | Edition N°:6471 Le 10/03/2023 | Partager

Apparently, the Directorate General of Taxes wants to restructure its strategy to fight fraud and tax evasion. It decentralizes its action by delegating full powers to the regions while ensuring good coordination with the services concerned for better efficiency and to avoid any drift. This is at least what one can infer from the recent memorandum sent by the Directorate General to all the heads of service and the offices and sections of judicial affairs within the regional and prefectural directorates.

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