«Ingénierie dramatique»
«Ingénierie dramatique» Par Meriem OUDGHIRI
Le 04/11/2024

Près de 300.000 entreprises inactives, inscrites au registre fiscal, sont aujourd’hui recensées. Cela veut dire qu’elles ne génèrent aucun... + Lire la suite...

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5G ecosystem: A first major convention in Morocco

Par Noureddine EL AISSI | Edition N°:6397 Le 25/11/2022 | Partager

 The launch of 5G is highly anticipated in Morocco given its potential to support the socio-economic development of the country. Raising awareness of the advantages and challenges of this technology of the future will be of great use to Moroccan actors, both public and private. It is in this spirit that the “5G Event Morocco (5GEM) 2022” will take place in Rabat on December 7 and 8...

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