Négociation Par Mohamed CHAOUI
Le 03/02/2025

A peine le projet de loi organique relatif aux conditions et aux modalités d’exercice du droit de grève adopté par la Commission de l’enseignement et des affaires... + Lire la suite...

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CNSS Polyclinics: Change of state of mind

Par Khadija MASMOUDI | Edition N°:6864 Le 11/10/2024 | Partager

The polyclinics operated by the National Social Security Fund (CNSS) are about to undergo an in-depth transformation, both in terms of infrastructure and management. The CNSS plans to entrust their management to an operating company, which will take the form of a subsidiary of the CNSS. This initiative is part of a process of compliance with legal provisions and represents a major step in the modernization of the healthcare sector.

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