Code d’accès
Code d’accès Par Meriem OUDGHIRI
Le 14/02/2025

A la question «le Maroc est-il prêt pour la décarbonation?», les réponses dans l’écosystème de la transition énergétique oscillent entre un «pas encore» et «sur... + Lire la suite...

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Duty free shops: Sales limited to 2,000 Dirhams in foreign currency

Par Khadija MASMOUDI | Edition N°:6715 Le 01/03/2024 | Partager

Changes for Duty Free Shops. Customs and the Foreign Exchange Office have just published a new circular on the management and operation of duty-free stores, covering formalities for the admission and removal of goods from warehouses, the keeping of records, and the strengthening of customs and foreign exchange controls. In addition, the sale and financial settlement of goods are now covered.

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