Mythe Par Mohamed Ali Mrabi
Le 05/11/2024

Le taux de chômage continue de grimper. Il a atteint 13,6% selon les dernières statistiques du HCP, soit plus de 1,6 million de chômeurs au niveau national. Et c’est encore... + Lire la suite...

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+0.8% GDP growth expected in the third quarter

Par Khadija MASMOUDI | Edition N°:6300 Le 08/07/2022 | Partager

Inflation and very weak growth… The cocktail is rather explosive. The forecasts of the High Commissioner’s Office for Planning (HCP) for the third quarter do come in an international environment still marked by great uncertainties. In any case, these forecasts are far from being encouraging: barely 0.8% versus 8.7% in the same quarter of 2021...

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