Jurisprudence Par Meriem OUDGHIRI
Le 20/02/2025

Le Conseil de la concurrence a le droit de punir mais pas d’exécuter une entreprise. Cette affirmation de Ahmed Rahhou, lors de la rencontre annuelle avec la... + Lire la suite...

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VAT: It pays off!

Par Khadija MASMOUDI | Edition N°:6790 Le 21/06/2024 | Partager

Withholding tax, reverse charge system... From July 1 onwards, new provisions of the Finance Act 2024 relating to VAT will come into force. In the meantime, revenues from this tax, the reform of which began this year, are continuing their upward trend: 37.51 billion Dirhams (USD 3.75 billion) at the end of May, up 27.1% from the previous year.

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