«Ingénierie dramatique»
«Ingénierie dramatique» Par Meriem OUDGHIRI
Le 04/11/2024

Près de 300.000 entreprises inactives, inscrites au registre fiscal, sont aujourd’hui recensées. Cela veut dire qu’elles ne génèrent aucun... + Lire la suite...

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Trade defense: Tunisian school notebooks back on the market

Par Faiçal FAQUIHI | Edition N°:6628 Le 27/10/2023 | Partager

«The anti-dumping measure applied to Tunisian notebook imports will expire on January 03, 2024», announces the Ministry of Industry and Trade. This measure is applied via a customs tax, the highest rate of which is 27.71% for all Tunisian exporters, with the exception of the Sitpec company, which has been taxed at 15.69% by the Moroccan authorities.

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