Influenceurs Par Mohamed Ali Mrabi
Le 01/06/2024

«Je partira pas», une chanson xénophobe largement partagée par des figures de l’extrême droite française. Loin d’être anecdotique, cet épisode cristallise la... + Lire la suite...

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Tourism: Great enthusiasm for Marrakech

Par Badra BERRISSOULE | Edition N°:6392 Le 17/11/2022 | Partager

AS expected, September and October 2022 were exceptio­nal months for tourism in Mar­rakech thanks in particular to the All Saints’ Day but also to the resump­tion of the events organized in the ocher city. Conferences, exhibitions, festivals… the agenda is full. These are events that attract both interna­tional and national tourists, such as the Marrakech International Film Festival, which has resumed its edi­tion after two years of absence...

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