Influenceurs Par Mohamed Ali Mrabi
Le 01/06/2024

«Je partira pas», une chanson xénophobe largement partagée par des figures de l’extrême droite française. Loin d’être anecdotique, cet épisode cristallise la... + Lire la suite...

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Telecoms: 5G postponed indefinitely?

Par Amin RBOUB | Edition N°:6392 Le 17/11/2022 | Partager

Rolling out 5G on the Moroccan market in 2023 is a mission impossible. The so-called fifth-generation technology (networks and services) is theoretically supposed to be rolled out in a few months. Indeed, according to the General Guidance Note (NOG) for the development of the telecom sector, the launch of 5G is scheduled for the year 2023. Moreover, preparing for the arrival of 5G is a major challenge for the coming years...

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