Batailles Par Mohamed Ali Mrabi
Le 27/12/2024

Depuis quelques jours, les discussions s’enflamment autour des grandes orientations de la nouvelle Moudawana. C’est un sujet qui ravive les passions et suscitent des... + Lire la suite...

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The boomerang effect of competition law

Par Faiçal FAQUIHI | Edition N°:6364 Le 07/10/2022 | Partager

How can the latest decisions of the Competition Council be explained? First, it should be said that History does not forget anything. In addition, the competition regulator came to clear up a liability. Some explanations are needed here: First episode: the Competition Council had closed its last session in October 2013. The terms of office of its members were coming to an end. At the same time, the review of the law that has governed it since 2000 was under consideration in Parliament. Second episode: the regulator had entered a period of forced hibernation until almost the end of 2018.

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