Grande faille
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Le 07/03/2025

Plus de 9.000 milliards de dollars. C’est le montant colossal des dommages causés par la cybercriminalité à l’échelle mondiale en 2024. Derrière ces pertes... + Lire la suite...

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Income tax / Property income Do your math!

Par Hassan EL ARIF | Edition N°:6940 Le 31/01/2025 | Partager

From January onwards, those earning income from property will be faced with a real dilemma. The French Finance Act 2025 has modified the taxation system for this category of income, making it simpler at first glance. In concrete terms, landlords generating property income subject to withholding tax now have the choice between a flat rate of 20% (article 73-II-F-12°) instead of 10% or 15% of the gross amount of property income. This formula is called “ in full discharge” because the owner is no longer required to file a global income tax return, and may no longer be required to pay additional income tax, unless he or she has other income or is entitled to a refund of overpaid tax. 
The new tax regime gives a major advantage to large rental annuitants. For income of 103,787.88 Dirhams (USD 10,378) per month, or 1,245,454.55 Dirhams (USD 124,545) per year, it is more attractive to opt for taxation at the flat 20% rate. 
“ Taxation of property income according to the progressive income tax scale, after a 40% allowance, can increase to a maximum of 22.2%. As a result, these large-scale renters can benefit from the tax bonus introduced by the 2025 Finance Act, which corresponds to the difference between the highest marginal rate of 22.2% and the flat-rate of 20%, resulting in a saving of 2.2% in terms of Income Tax / Property Income compared with the 2024 Finance Act ”, explains Mohamadi El Yacoubi, tax consultant. 
To opt for the flat-rate option, the taxpayer is required to submit an option request via the General Tax Directorate’s platform against a receipt. The lessor must submit a copy of this receipt to the entity responsible for withholding tax under article 160 bis of the General Tax Code (CGI), within 30 days of the rent payment date of the month following the month in which the option request was submitted (Article 64-IV of the CGI). 
If the taxpayer wishes to deactivate the withholding tax option, he or she must submit a request via the Internet, against a receipt, again in accordance with a model drawn up by the tax authorities. A copy of this receipt must be given to the tenant responsible for withholding at source, at least 15 days before the due date for payment of the rent for the month following the month of the request (article 64-IV of the CGI Code). 
Any public or private legal entity or individual whose professional income is determined according to the real or simplified net income regime, paying property income to individuals, is required to make a withholding tax. In addition, they are required to file a declaration with the tax authorities for income paid (Article 154 bis), before March 1 of each year. o

Hassan EL ARIF