Frilosité Par Mohamed Ali Mrabi
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L’amnistie fiscale a permis d’injecter des liquidités considérables dans le circuit bancaire. Une véritable bouffée d’oxygène pour les banques, notamment pour... + Lire la suite...

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Public lighting: New developments in the anti-dumping investigation

Par Faiçal FAQUIHI | Edition N°:6902 Le 06/12/2024 | Partager

Several companies have come forward to disapprove of the anti-dumping investigation into LED lighting fixtures. More precisely, those used in public lighting and originating in China. And with good reason: on September 2, 2024, the Ministry of Foreign Trade launched its investigations into this product, which is highly prized by local authorities such as communes - and therefore in public procurement contracts - and real estate developers, particularly private developers.

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