Digital naïf
Digital naïf Par L'Economiste
Le 22/07/2024

L'informatique est devenue une chose trop grave pour la laisser aux informaticiens. Car une panne comme celle de vendredi peut faire de gros dégâts en se... + Lire la suite...

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Housing Tax and CST: TGR now alone in the driver’s seat

Par Hassan EL ARIF | Edition N°:6795 Le 28/06/2024 | Partager

This is the big bang of a project that has been underway since 2022 and is being implemented gradually between two major public institutions, with 2024 corresponding to the final phase. As of July 1, the registers for the Housing Tax and the Communal Services Tax (CST) will be transferred in their entirety from the General Tax Directorate (DGI) to the General Treasury of the Kingdom (TGR).

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