Grande faille
Grande faille Par Meriem OUDGHIRI
Le 07/03/2025

Plus de 9.000 milliards de dollars. C’est le montant colossal des dommages causés par la cybercriminalité à l’échelle mondiale en 2024. Derrière ces pertes... + Lire la suite...

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Bac exams: logistics in place

Par Mohamed CHAOUI | Edition N°:6782 Le 08/06/2024 | Partager

In the run-up to the high school leaving (Baccalaureate / G.E.D. / A-level) ex-ams, MPs from five parliamentary groups and groupings questioned the Minis-ter of Education on the measures being taken to ensure the success of this decisive test for high-school students, during their latest oral questions. All the more so as the school year has been disrupted by a succession of teachers’ strikes.

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