Mission originelle
Mission originelle Par Ahlam NAZIH
Le 14/03/2025

Faut-il revoir le rôle des facultés dans le système d’enseignement supérieur? Et si finalement elles devaient se cantonner à leur mission originelle,... + Lire la suite...

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Electronic invoicing: Gradual implementation

Par Khadija MASMOUDI | Edition N°:6710 Le 23/02/2024 | Partager

No, electronic invoicing has not been pushed into oblivion. The Directorate General of Taxes (DGI) is still working on it. «Any self-respecting modern administration whose information system has reached this level of maturity and performance is thinking about electronic invoicing. We’re working on it, and when the time comes, we’ll be announcing it and presenting its implementation», said Younes Idrissi Kaitouni, Director General of Taxes, at the meeting held by our colleague, «La Vie éco».

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