Inflation de diagnostics
Inflation de diagnostics Par Mohamed Ali Mrabi
Le 30/04/2024

La flambée des prix dans un contexte inflationniste a remis, depuis quelques mois, les filières des fruits et légumes sous le feu des... + Lire la suite...

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L’Economiste Research Award: How to unleash Moroccans’ potential?

Par Ahlam NAZIH | Edition N°:6667 Le 22/12/2023 | Partager

Elegance 50% of Moroccans are deprived of their «human potential» at birth due to shortcomings in education and health (World Bank), two-thirds suffer from «learning poverty», nearly 80% of pupils under 15 don’t even reach the minimum level of knowledge in reading and mathematics (PISA survey)... An employment rate not exceeding 37.4% (women at 14.8%), according to the HCP (High Commissioner’s Office for Planning)... There’s no end to the startling figures about human capital in Morocco. Yet there is no shortage of «good intentions» or educational and social programs..

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