Casting Par Mohamed CHAOUI
Le 17/05/2024

La classe politique a les yeux rivés sur Aziz Akhannouch, en déplacement à Manama, au Bahreïn pour représenter SM le Roi au sommet de la Ligue arabe. Elle s’impatiente au... + Lire la suite...

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Creation of businesses: Casablanca blocks everything

Par Hassan EL ARIF | Edition N°:6657 Le 08/12/2023 | Partager

A group of chartered accountants recently sent a letter (of which L’Economiste has a copy) to the President of the Casablanca Commercial Court, Abdelouahed Seffouri. In their letter, the practitioners complain of the «inconvenience and blackmail they face on a daily basis in the court premises, and more specifically in the trade register department, from certain officials who manipulate appointments obtained via the court interface».

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