Malaise Par Khalid BELYAZID
Le 26/06/2024

Un jour, un village français s’est retrouvé sans boulanger. Pas la moindre baguette. L’unique boulanger, lassé d’entendre les Français répéter «je n’aime pas les... + Lire la suite...

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Railway ecosystem: Things are gathering pace

Par Mohamed CHAOUI | Edition N°:6642 Le 17/11/2023 | Partager

Mohamed Rabiî Khlie takes measured steps forward. This year’s international call for expressions of interest has borne fruit. About ten European and Asian manufacturers - the best in the world, to quote a source close to the matter - have responded positively. Today, ONCF is shifting gears, with the launch of a call for tenders for the acquisition of new trains and the development of the rail industry.

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