1914 Par Meriem OUDGHIRI
Le 26/02/2025

Un siècle et 11 ans. C’est l’âge du dahir réglementant les établissements classés dangereux daté du 25 août 1914! Cela fait très, très vieux. Et cette vieillesse continue de... + Lire la suite...

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WB/IMF Annual Meetings: A sign of confidence

Par Badra BERRISSOULE | Edition N°:6604 Le 22/09/2023 | Partager

The World Bank Group and the International Monetary Fund have reached a decision. The two organizations are to hold their annual meetings in Marrakech as planned, much to the relief of tourism professionals. These are good news in these gloomy times, and above all a strong signal to all institutions and companies to maintain their confidence in Morocco and Marrakech as a destination.

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