Monopoly Par Meriem OUDGHIRI
Le 03/10/2024

Le cocotier de la concurrence a bien été secoué par l’affaire Naps-CMI. Le premier ayant déposé plainte contre l’opérateur historique pour abus de position dominante.... + Lire la suite...

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Water: To no longer depend on rainfall

Par Fatima EL OUAFI | Edition N°:6466 Le 03/03/2023 | Partager

M When the rain falls, the morale of Moroccans is high! The rain and snowfall recorded in the kingdom for several days gives hope for water reserves in enough quantity to avoid restrictions in the countryside and cities next summer. One thing is certain, the rainfall at the end of February has had a positive impact on the filling rate of the dams, which reached 32.8% on February 22, roughly the same level as during the same period in 2022, which was 32.9%.

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