Parcours du combattant
Parcours du combattant Par Mohamed Ali Mrabi
Le 14/05/2024

«Il y a de gros investissements dans le pipe». Le gouvernement est confiant pour le maintien de la dynamique positive des investissements... + Lire la suite...

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The false drop in the unemployment rate

Par Khadija MASMOUDI | Edition N°:6436 Le 20/01/2023 | Partager

Despite the slowdown in the economy, unemployment declined in 2022. Its rate fell to 11.6% from 12.3% in 2021, but on closer inspection, the apparently good news is unfortunately not a good one actually. The decline of 0.6 points is not due to economic performance. Growth slowed down last year: it did not exceed 1.3% after the 7.9% rebound recorded in 2021...

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