Se battre
Se battre Par Ahlam NAZIH
Le 05/09/2024

Chère la rentrée scolaire pour les parents. Dans le privé, le prix du cartable avec fournitures et manuels peut coûter trois fois plus que dans le public (voir notre... + Lire la suite...

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Why the taxman is scanning your lifestyle

Par Hassan EL ARIF | Edition N°:6354 Le 23/09/2022 | Partager

Does a taxpayer who has been subject to a tax audit or compulsory taxation run the risk of double penalty by undergoing a review of his entire tax situation at the same time? The procedure consists of scrutinizing the tax situation of a taxpayer by scrutinizing all of his expenses and income. The goal is to determine inconsistencies between the declared professional, agricultural, and property income and the lifestyle led by the taxpayer...

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