Se battre
Se battre Par Ahlam NAZIH
Le 05/09/2024

Chère la rentrée scolaire pour les parents. Dans le privé, le prix du cartable avec fournitures et manuels peut coûter trois fois plus que dans le public (voir notre... + Lire la suite...

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School: wasted time for the reform?

Par Ahlam NAZIH | Edition N°:6280 Le 10/06/2022 | Partager

With the 2015-2030 strategy, followed by the Framework Law on Education of 2019, everything indicated that the time for extended consultations and diagnoses had passed, and that an action-oriented phase had to begin. To develop the 2030 vision, the Ministry of National Education held national consultations which brought together more than 100,000 participants...

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