«Terre sauvage»
«Terre sauvage» Par Meriem OUDGHIRI
Le 21/06/2024

C’est le jeudi 27 juin que reprend le procès de l’affaire Bioui & Naciri. Comme nous l’avions déjà souligné, c’est une grande affaire qui s’installe... + Lire la suite...

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Rising prices, fuel, payment deadlines… The nested files of the CGEM

Par Khadija MASMOUDI | Edition N°:6247 Le 22/04/2022 | Partager

INFLATION, supply diffi­culties, vertiginous rise in the price of freight… The impact of the war in Ukraine plunges the world and the company into a great deal of uncertainty. This is a cycle that is difficult to live with, immediately underlines Chakib Alj, president of the CGEM, invited to the meeting of the Club de L’Economiste which was an opportunity for him and for Mehdi Tazi, Vice- President General of the Confederation, to decipher and ana­lyze the impact on the economy and to draw up a progress report on the work conducted by the Confederation which is carrying out a mandate that it des­cribes as atypical, given what Moroc­co, like the rest of the world, has been experiencing for more than two years. Moreover, a small watch commit­tee monitors the situation as it arises.

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