Echec Par Ahlam NAZIH
Le 19/04/2024

Devenir médecin, c’est d’abord se vouer à l’humain, se dédier à une cause noble. Devenir médecin, c’est avant tout un don de soi, et c’est aussi rendre service à son pays.

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Nizar Baraka at «Club de L’Economiste»: More than a billion cubic meters of water lost each year!

Par Hassan EL ARIF | Edition N°:6217 Le 11/03/2022 | Partager

After being in a situation of water stress, Morocco entered a phase of water scarcity. And in recent years, the phenome­non has exacerbated. So much so that the Kingdom has launched an emer­gency plan to secure its water supply to meet the needs of its population and its socio-economic development...

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