Des réponses
Des réponses Par Mohamed CHAOUI
Le 10/03/2025

L’Offre Maroc en hydrogène vert franchit un nouveau pas. Après la signature pour deux projets français en octobre dernier, ce chantier stratégique s’accélère avec... + Lire la suite...

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Counterfeiting : Formal versus informal economy: a losing battle?

Par Amin RBOUB | Edition N°:6735 Le 29/03/2024 | Partager

Since the end of February, a series of major raids have been carried out on ready-to-wear stores everywhere. Launched in a number of towns and cities, the raids are targeting traders and retailers of counterfeit or genuine clothing items that have been diverted from legal production and marketing channels. Fraud and customs officers have just seized large quantities of these items.

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