Capitalisme familial
Capitalisme familial Par Ahlam NAZIH
Le 28/06/2024

Elles ont tout pour plaire, mais elles déplaisent. Les entreprises familiales sont celles qui traînent la plus mauvaise réputation au Maroc. Le «... + Lire la suite...

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Online fraud: Moroccans fall victim to digital naiveté

Par Amin RBOUB | Edition N°:6613 Le 06/10/2023 | Partager

Digital literacy is the weak link of Moroccan society. Today, 92% of Moroccan consumers are susceptible to online scams. In fact, a recent study by the Visa group revealed that the majority of Moroccans have a «costly trust» that exposes them to various types of online scams. The same study (Stay Secure) highlights «a worrying trend towards overconfidence among Moroccan consumers».

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