Inadéquation Par Ahlam NAZIH
Le 19/02/2025

La moitié du stock de chômeurs au Maroc (estimé à 1.638.000 sans emploi) est constituée de personnes n’ayant jamais travaillé de leur vie, selon les chiffres du HCP... + Lire la suite...

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Société Générale/Saham: What would change?

Par Fédoua TOUNASSI | Edition N°:6725 Le 15/03/2024 | Partager

The Saham group is said to be negotiating the purchase of Société Générale France’s shares in its Moroccan subsidiary, Société Générale Maroc. The news, which hit the media at the end of last week, caused quite a stir. The Saham Group, owned by the well-known Moroccan businessman and former Minister of Industry and Trade, Moulay Hafid Elalamy, is said to be in talks to acquire all the French shares in Société Générale Morocco. However, nothing official has yet been announced.

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