Tableau de bord
Tableau de bord Par Meriem OUDGHIRI
Le 11/11/2024

Une nouvelle cartographie de la population. C’est ce que viennent de dévoiler les premiers résultats du recensement 2024. Tout le monde le sait depuis... + Lire la suite...

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Craftsmen return to class

Par Youness SAAD ALAMI | Edition N°:6290 Le 24/06/2022 | Partager

Craftsmen from different regions received training on Jewish art and worship objects. Initiated by the Mimouna association, the Ministry of Tourism and Handicrafts, the Mohammed V Foundation for Solidarity, and the Chamber of Crafts of the Fez - Meknes region, this operation gave birth to a traveling exhibition under the theme “Craftsmen tell you eve­rything about our Jewish heritage”...

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