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                Weekly highlights

          Marrakech Film Festival: The factory of new talent

                                                                                                                          Supporting emerging


                                                                                                                       “Les Ateliers de l’Atlas”  is ano-
                                                                                                                       ther of the festival’s young talent
                                                                                                                       factories. Initiated in 2018, this
                                                                                                                       talent development program sup-
                                                                                                                       ports the emergence of a new ge-
                                                                                                                       neration of Moroccan, Arab and
                                                                                                                       African filmmakers, and creates a
                                                                                                                       space for exchanges between inter-
                                                                                                                       national professionals and regional
                                                                                                                       talent. In five editions, Ateliers de
                                                                                                                       l’Atlas has supported 111 projects
                                                                                                                       and films, including 48 Moroccan
                                                                                                                       projects and films. In recent years,
                                                                                                                       several films supported by Ateliers        “e”
                                                                                                                       de l’Atlas have been selected and
                                                                                                                       awarded prizes at major interna-
                                                                                                                       tional festivals. At the last Cannes
                                                                                                                       Film Festival, four films supported
                                                                                                                       by the workshops were present in
                                                                                                                       various sections. Five Moroccan
                                                                                                                       films are part of the program for
                                                                                                                       this 20th edition, two of which are
                                                                                                                       in official competition. These are
                                                                                                                       “La mère de tous les mensonges”
                                                                                                                       (“The Mother of All Lies” ) by
          A most impressive panel. World-famous film stars gathered to celebrate the festival’s 20th anniversary (Photo by Bziouat)  Asmae El Moudir ( in the “Un
                                                                                                                       certain Regard”  - A Certain Look
          E     LEGANCE and sobriety.                                                                                  section - Director’s Prize, Golden
                This 20th edition of the Mar-
                                                                                                                       Eye (“Œil d’or”  ) for Best Docu-
                rakech International Film
          Festival, which runs from Novem-                                                                             mentary) and “Les meutes”  ( The
          ber 24 to December 02, may have                                                                              Packs ) by Kamal Lazraq ( A Cer-
          kept a low profile, out of respect                                                                           tain Look - Jury Prize).. o
          for the situation in Gaza, but ci-
          nema still has a prominent place.                                                                           David Lynch, Tilda Swinton, Leo-
          Gone is the red carpet and its gla-                                                                         nardo DiCaprio, Harvey Keitel, Jim
          morous parade. No festive stage                                                                             Jarmush, and many others, which
          at the Jamaa El Fna square either,                                                                          is enough to inspire future film-
          but a selection of world cinema                                                                             makers. Another opportunity for
          with 75 films from 36 countries                                                                             young directors to rub shoulders
          divided into several sections and                                                                           with some of cinema’s legends are
          open to the general public free of                                                                          the master classes initiated in 2005,
          charge. This includes the official                                                                          that have been transformed into
          competition, gala screenings, spe-                                                                          a more friendly “In Conversation
          cial screenings, the 11th continent,                                                                        with...”  format. For each edition,
          the panorama of Moroccan cinema,                                                                            leading figures from the world of
          screenings for young audiences,                                                                             cinema are present in Marrakech to
          and films shown as part of the tri-                                                                         take part in the program. Actors, di-
          butes... A special mention this year                                                                        rectors, scriptwriters, and producers
          goes to the Moroccan cinema in the                                                                          are invited to share their visions and
          spotlight, with no fewer than fifteen  Two movie icons in Marrakech. Danish actor Mads Nikkelsen receiving a tribute trophy   practices with the festival audience,
          films presented in its various sec-  from Willem Dafoe himself (Photo by Bziouat)                           with a mixture of tasty anecdotes
          tions, including two in the running  can cinema is writing a new page,   more universal. Does the festival   and off-the-cuff discussions. This
          for the Golden Star. The movies  with young directors asserting their   have anything to do with this?      year’s audience includes such lu-
          running for awards include a thril- desire to move away from the social   Looking back over its nineteen    minaries as the legendary Willem
          ler in the Casablanca underworld,  drama and realism that have charac-  editions, the festival has welcomed   Dafoe, the magnetic Danish actor
          a western movie on the edge of the  terized Moroccan cinema since its   some of the biggest names in world   Mads Mikkelsen, and the iconic
          desert, and an apocalyptic roadtrip  beginnings in the 1960s, towards a   cinema: Martin Scorsese, Francis   Tilda Swinton, among others. o
          in the Atlas Mountains... Moroc- genre cinema that aims to be much      Ford Coppola, Isabelle Huppert,                                  A.BO
                                                                     Friday 1st December 2023
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