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                Weekly highlights

          Energy transition: Big projects, big money

          D        ESPITE its length, Leila                                                                           of the national electricity transmis-
                                                                                                                      sion network over the 2023-2027
                   Benali’s presentation of
                                                                                                                      period. The overall cost of this ope-
                   the sector budget to the
          House of Councillors’ Productive                                                                            ration is estimated at 23.4 billion
          Sectors Commission on Thursday                                                                              Dirhams (USD 2.34 billion). The
          November 23 was enlightening in                                                                             aim is to support the plan to equip
          more ways than one. In addition                                                                             and supply Morocco’s various re-
          to achievements and projects for                                                                            gions with electricity, and to streng-
          the current year, the Minister for                                                                          then regional integration. However,
          Energy Transition and Sustainable                                                                           it will have to await adoption by
          Development discussed projects and                                                                          ONEE’s (National Electricity and
          initiatives to implement the strategic                                                                      Drinking Water Office) Board of
          vision and create investment oppor-                                                                         Directors.
          tunities. To this end, she plans to                                                                         The supply of renewable energies to
          update the multi-year plan for green                                                                        industrial zones is also on the agen-
          electricity equipment, and schedule                                                                         da. The Minister’s idea is to pre-
          the construction of additional capa-                                                                        pare a program to supply them with
          city of up to 9,281 megawatts (MW)                                                                          competitive energy from renewable
          over the 2023-2027 period. This re-                                                                         sources. The goal is to achieve a
          quires the mobilization of a budget                                                                         real industrial take-off and support
          of 85.6 billion Dirhams (USD 8.5                                                                            international challenges, particular-
          billion ). It mainly relies on acce-  Leila Benali has pledged to place energy efficiency at the heart of the concerns of professionals   ly after the application of the carbon
                                              and citizens alike. It will be necessary to strengthen institutional capacities and evaluate pro-
          lerating the implementation of re-  grammes to encourage savings in energy consumption, estimated at 20% by 2030 (Ph. Bziouat)  tax by the European Union from
          newable energy projects to the tune                                                                         this year. For example, two projects
          of 7,183 megawatts, i.e. 77% of     This is to be achieved by program-  The Minister also wants to step up   have been authorized with a capa-
          the electrical equipment plan. This   ming the construction of 2.1 GW,   investment in the power grid to en-  city of 150 MW to supply industrial
          will require the construction of al-  i.e. 22% of the plan’s capacity. In   sure optimum integration of ener-  customers in the Kénitra area. Pro-
          most 1.4 Gigawatts (GW) per year,   addition, storage will be encouraged   gies and guaranteed electricity sup-  jects are currently being studied to
          instead of 0.6 GW during the 2009-  through the construction of energy   ply to the various regions. The idea   supply other industrial zones across
          2022 period. The plan also includes   conversion stations using pumping   is to draw up a draft master plan for   the country. o
          encouraging the use of natural gas.   and battery storage systems.      the reinforcement and development                     Mohamed CHAOUI

          Health: How to improve the healthcare offering

          “T        HIS is the second time                                                                            implement an integrated hospital
                    that the question time
                                                                                                                      information system for public hos-
                    session in Parliament on
                                                                                                                      development of platforms linking
          public policy has tackled the issue                                                                         pitals in all regions of Morocco. The
          of health. There will be a third time,                                                                      IT systems and public hospitals is
          because the issue is so important,                                                                          ongoing. The coming year will focus
          and it will be a question of making                                                                         on implementing the components of
          a midterm assessment of where                                                                               this project, through the rollout of
          we are, what is working and what                                                                            the integrated hospital information
          is not” . This was the gist of the                                                                          system in all regions. This system
          Head of Government’s reaction to                                                                            will be extended to primary health-
          the comments made by one parlia-                                                                            care facilities in all regions, with the
          mentary group after another in the                                                                          implementation of the shared medi-
          House of Representatives on Mon-                                                                            cal record
          day, November 27. Without saying                                                                            In this architecture, citizens will be
          it openly, it is a point scored by                                                                          obliged to go through their family
          minister Khalid Ait Taleb, who has                                                                          doctor. The family doctor will be an
          managed to get the reform of his    For Aziz Akhannouch, the aim is to make hospitals more attractive. Significant resources   essential link in the chain of care,
          sector back on track. For the Head   are being invested to improve the public sector offering. Thereafter, competition between   reducing pressure on emergency
                                              the public and private sectors will play to the full. The main thing is to give citizens the
          of Government, Aziz Akhannouch,     opportunity to choose which system to opt for                           services and directing patients to a
          it is a question of working with the                                                                        specialist if necessary. On this occa-
          Minister of Health and Social Pro-  sectors will play to the full. The   healthcare sector. The aim is to im- sion, the Head of Government gave
          tection to increase the attractiveness   essential thing is to give citizens the   prove care pathways and optimize  a timetable for the implementation
          of hospitals. Substantial resources   opportunity to choose which sys-  the use of available resources in or- of this profession, which will be
          are being invested to improve pu-   tem to opt for. At the same time, the   der to guarantee the efficiency of in- effective in the field as early as next
          blic provision. Thereafter, competi-  Ministry of Health has embarked on   terventions and reduce their costs. In  year. o
          tion between the public and private   a proactive policy to digitalize the   practice, the goal is to develop and                         M.C.
                                                                     Friday 1st December 2023
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