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                Weekly highlights

          Ryad Mezzour
          The foundations of the new industrial strategy

          T     HE The Ministry of Industry                                                                           textiles-clothing, agribusiness, me-
                                                                                                                      tallurgy, chemicals-parachemistry...
                and Trade is currently fina-
                lizing the new industrial
                                                                                                                      Admittedly, some sectors are facing
          strategy. This roadmap is based on                                                                          All lines of business are concerned.
          a series of meetings and consulta-                                                                          more difficulties than others. At the
          tions with the employers’ confede-                                                                          same time, it has to be said that some
          ration (CGEM), professional federa-                                                                         industries are more advanced than
          tions, regions and territories, PDRs                                                                        others, notably the automotive and
          (regional development programs),                                                                            aeronautics sectors, which have rea-
          etc. This is a fundamental step in                                                                          ched levels of maturity never seen
          sounding out needs and collecting                                                                           before. But even for these dynamic
          expectations, through the strong                                                                            sectors, it will be necessary to conso-
          mobilization of all public and pri-                                                                         lidate what has been achieved, to step
          vate partners to make Moroccan                                                                              up the pace and power, and to rein-
          industry a catalyst for the creation                                                                        force competitiveness... «The auto-
          of value, wealth, and lasting jobs.                                                                         motive sector has extremely impor-
          As special guest of Atlantic Radio                                                                          tant development prospects. We are
          and interviewed by Rachid M’Bar-                                                                            working on projects that have the
          ki, Minister Ryad Mezzour took      is to find new points of agreement   added Ryad Mezzour. But above all,  potential to transform technological
          part in the Q&A session, providing   and make choices in order to set up   it’s a question of «making the right  capacities, export volumes and job
          insights and analysis on the indus-  new industrial projects», explained   choices, with the representatives of  creation», said Minister Mezzour.
          trial challenges facing Morocco in   the Minister. «The challenge, howe-  the 12 regions, about the ambitions  Today, there are new avenues of de-
          the future. «All regions have Regio-  ver, is to unleash the energies of a   and battles we’re going to wage  velopment dictated by the paradigm
          nal Development Plans (PDRs). The   more ambitious Morocco, to rein-    together over the next few years»,  shift and the challenges of industrial
          Ministry has a database and a num-  force cutting-edge industrial calling   insisted the Minister.          sovereignty. o
          ber of studies and analyses. The aim   ….and to explore new perimeters»,   Automotive, aeronautics, electronics,                  AMIN RBOUB

          L’Economiste-Sunergia survey

          Housing assistance: Moderate enthusiasm for new formula

          I     T is one of the main mecha-   Order of Notaries, in order to secure   ministry in charge of the project indi-  tance scheme would come into force
                nisms of the social deve-
                                                                                                                      this January? The majority answered
                                                                                  cates that the scheme is proving popu-
                                              real estate transactions and grant direct
                lopment major project. The
          new housing assistance system was   assistance, with rates capped at 2,500   lar. This seems to confirm the results   yes. Indeed, 84% of Moroccans are
                                                                                                                      aware that a new housing assistance
                                                                                  of the recent L’Economiste-Sunergia
                                              dirhams for citizens wishing to acquire
          eagerly awaited, especially after the   a home costing less than 300,000   survey. Respondents were asked if   system has been introduced. Rates are
          old social housing program came to   dirhams. Initial feedback from the   they were aware that a housing assis-  virtually the same for both genders.
          an end. Today, the new system is up                                                                         However, per age group, it is mainly
          and running. The registration plat-                                                                         young people over 24, generally first-
          form for the direct housing assistance             42% do not intend to sign up                             time buyers, who are the most infor-
          program was launched on January 2.                                                                          med. 91% of people aged 25-34 and
          Spread over 5 years, the new scheme                                                                         35-44 are aware of the new scheme.
          is expected to mobilize more than 9.5                                          WHILE  most  of  those  The same applies to 90% of 55-64
          billion Dirhams (US$ 950 million) per                                       surveyed are aware of the new  year-olds and 84% of 45-54 year-olds.
          year. In concrete terms, direct grants                                      program, only 32% intend to  Those who are not aware of the pro-
          of 100,000 dirhams (US$ 10,000)                                             sign up. Of these, 23% said they  gram are mainly young people aged
          will be awarded for the purchase of                                         would «certainly» sign up, while  18 to 24, 31% of whom are unaware
          a home with a selling price less than                                       9% said they would «probably»  of its existence. Per region, the rates
          or equal to 300,000 dirhams (US$                                            do so. Conversely, 42% «pro- are fairly similar, ranging from 81% in
          30,000) including tax, and 70,000                                           bably» won’t. Of those questio- the North and East to 86% in the Cen-
          dirhams (US$ 7,000) for homes with                                          ned, 25% were undecided. Per  ter of the country. The same applies to
          a selling price between 300,000 (US$                                        gender, the rates are fairly simi- rural and urban areas, with 83% and
          30,000) and 700,000 dirhams (US$                                            lar. 23% of both men and women  84% respectively. Per socio-profes-
          70,000) including tax.                                                      said they would «definitely» sign  sional category, D and E are the least
          This platform enables people wishing                                        up for the new scheme. The diffe- informed. 23% of people in this cate-
          to benefit from this support to register                                    rences are most apparent among  gory are unaware of the new housing
          online and track their applications. It                                     those who «probably» do not in- assistance program. People in CSP C
          also facilitates data sharing between                                       tend to apply for public housing  are the most aware of the existence of
          the partners involved. The program is                                       assistance. This rate is 46% for  this scheme. o
          being rolled out in partnership with the                                    men and 37% for women. o                                     MAM
                                                                      Friday 12 January 2024
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