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                Weekly highlights

           Final preparations for the sacred music festival

          T      HE flagship event of the spi-  Artists from Uzbekistan, Iran, Syria, India, Spain, Egypt, Italy, France, and Morocco will set the Bab El Makina stage alight for the 27th edi-tion
                                              of the Festival of Sacred Music. Festival-goers will discover an exceptional program for the occasion (Ph. YSA)
                 ritual capital is already cele-
                                                                                                                      This year’s festival also features ma-
                 brating its 27th edition. From
          May 24 to June 1, 2024, the Fez Festi-                                                                      jor artists including Sami Yusuf and
          val of World Sacred Music (FFMSM)                                                                           Vicente Amigo. Presented by Time
          will welcome over 200 artists from                                                                          Magazine as “the greatest musical
          18 countries, including France. It                                                                          star of the Mus-lim world”, the for-
          will be an opportunity to celebrate                                                                         mer is expected to perform a memo-
          the peaceful coexistence of the three                                                                       rable concert on Satur-day, May 25,
          mono-theistic religions through a rich                                                                      2024. Sami Yusuf is considered one
          and varied program. Initiated under                                                                         of the most influential musi-cians of
          the patron-age of His Majesty the                                                                           our time in the World Music category.
          King, the new edition will feature                                                                          Prolific guitarist Vicente Amigo will
          Spain as a country. In the meantime,                                                                        be making his second appearance at
          preparations are continuing at the Bab   inaugurated every year in the pres-  la cinquième corde” (Zyriab or the   the Fez Festival. The artist will give
          El Makina square and the Jnan Sbil   ence of HRH Princess Lalla Hasnaa.   fifth string). The show, which usually   a memorable concert where flamen-
          garden, which will host the various   As such, it is the only national festi-  lasts an hour and a half, will highlight   co, as well as Andalusi and Spanish
          concerts. Of particular interest is the   val to welcome such a high-profile   the Place Moulay El Hassan using   culture and art will be majestically
          show-creation on Friday, May 24,    figure for its official inauguration.   mapping techniques and offer a jour-  highlighted.o
          2024. As a reminder, this festival is   The national and international elite   ney to the sources of inspira-tion of       Youness SAAD ALAMI
                                              also respond to the organizers’ invi-  Andalusian music, between sky and
                 Gospel music too             tation, as do the sponsors and other   earth, mountains, and palaces. The          A fun race
                                              in-stitutional supporters. For its 2024
                                                                                  fresco will revisit Arab music when
                                              edition, the festival’s theme is “The   it became Andalusian, and will inhe-
            THIS year’s closing show will     Quest for the Spirit of Al An-dalus”,   rit the teachings of ancient philoso-
            be grandiose.  Gospel will be on   the period of peaceful cohabitation of   phers such as Al Firdûsî and Al Kindi,   AFTER 4 years of suspension,
            display from June 1, 2024, with   the religions of the Book in An-dalu-  themselves inspired by the thought of   due to Covid, the Fès-Saïss Asso-
            Kim Burrell for “a world pre-     sia from the 8th to the 15th century, a   Pythagoras and Plato. “Their vision   ciation reiterates the successful
            miere in Fez”, say the organiz-   “Golden Age” whose spirit lives on in   of the cosmos and of the planets in   experience of a race to the rhythm
            ers. For this unique project in the   Fez. “The FFMSM is intended to be   relation to music is akin to that of the   of sacred music and thus hosts the
            world of gospel, more than fifty   a special occasion to celebrate this ca-  desert poet, who contemplated the   8th edition of the foot race on the
            artists will perform an excep-    pacity for ‘living together’, dialogue,   immensity of the starry sky”, explai-  occasion of the 27th anniversary
            tional and spellbinding creation   and tolerance, promoted at the highest   ned Alain Weber, Artistic Director of   of the Sacred Music Festival. The
            based around gospel music, with   level by the Kingdom”, said Abderra-  the festival. A poet, singer, and musi-  event is scheduled for Sunday,
            diva Kim Burrell, famous in the   fia Zouitene, President of the Esprit   cian of Kurdish origin, Abu Al-Has-  May 26, 2024 at 9 a.m., and will
            USA for having sung with Mariah   de Fès Foundation, who adds that    san Ali Ibn Nâfi, known as “Zyriab”   be attended by world track-and-
            Carey, Whitney Houston, Jay-Z,    “Spain is in the limelight for this 27th   (“the bird or the blackbird”), the   field champions Nawal El Mou-
            and Pharrell Williams, among      edition, whose program will illus-  flamboyant prince of this great An-  tawakel and Soufiane El Bekkali.
            others. Designed and directed by   trate the historic and perennial links   dalusian epic, takes us through skies   For Hassan Slighoua, president of
            conductor Pascal Horecka, this    that bind the Peninsula and Morocco   and mountains, to the Umayyad court   the association, the aim is to gather
            unique project offers a univer-   through performances and fusions of   of Amir ‘Abd al-Rahman II of Cor-  around 3,000 participants for this
            sal gospel, fusing the world of   artists from both countries”.       doba in a show featuring artists from   10-kilometer family race, which
            Western classical music with the   On the program side, the spiritual   Uzbekistan, Iran, Syria, India, Spain,   is primarily aimed at promoting
            voices of sacred, black, and inspi-  capital’s flagship event will open   Egypt, Italy, Armenia, France, and   tourism in the city of Fez and its
            red America. o                    with a crea-tion entitled “Zyriab ou   Morocco.                          magnificent Medina.  o

                                                                       Friday 24 May 2024
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