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                Weekly highlights

          Netflix, Amazon...

          VAT on digital services is coming

          P     ERSONS and entities not resi-                                                                         red accountants. In their view, the tax
                                                                                                                      authorities can always have recourse to
                ding in Morocco and providing
                                                                                                                      tax treaties and, in particular, to mea-
                remote services will have to
          identify themselves to the tax autho-                                                                       sures on administrative assistance for
          rities, declare sales made in Morocco                                                                       VAT collection, even if this tax is not
          and pay the tax due. This change intro-                                                                     included in such treaties.
          duced by the Finance Law 2024 brings                                                                        It can also rely on the banking sys-
          Morocco into line with international                                                                        tem. Pending implementation of the
          standards. Services purchased from                                                                          new measure, tax authorities have
          platforms such as Netflix and Amazon,                                                                       provided an indicative list of services
          as well as from companies producing                                                                         supplied at a distance subject to VAT.
          gaming applications, are affected.                                                                          These include the supply and hosting
          In other words, the VAT territoriality                                                                      of computer sites, and remote main-
          rules set out in Article 88 of the Gene-                                                                    tenance of programs and equipment.
          ral Tax (CGI) Code have been revised.   residence. The DGI (General Directo-  likely to be complicated, especially   Added to this are the supply and upda-
          Services supplied remotely and online   rate of Taxes) has just published a cir-  given the diversity of online services   ting of software and applications, and
          by a non-resident person who has no   cular note on the tax measures of the   and service providers.        the supply of digital content (music,
          establishment in Morocco, to a custo-  2024 Finance Law, which provides a   Questions are also being raised, par-  films, online games, gambling, images,
          mer whose head office, establishment   number of details on these changes.   ticularly with regard to controls and   videos, texts, information, etc.).
          or tax domicile is in Morocco, or to a   Services are deemed to have been   sanctions. «Discussions are progres-  Also on the list are subscriptions to
                                                                                                                      film and TV platforms, video-on-de-
          customer who is occasionally resident   provided in Morocco, even if the cus-  sing at OECD level, and mechanisms
          in Morocco, are now subject to VAT.   tomer is abroad at the time the online   will certainly follow. That said, the   mand (VOD) services, databases or
                                                                                                                      their provision, and the remote supply
          This minor change will enable addi-  service is provided, or even if the ser-  mechanism will be fine-tuned in the   of training, consulting, or assistance
          tional revenue to be collected by the   vice is consumed online by the custo-  next finance law. Of course, we can’t
          tax authorities, and consumption to be   mer abroad. For chartered accountants,   leave a legal vacuum when it comes to   services.o  Khadija MASMOUDI
          linked to the customer’s place of tax   the implementation of this measure is   digital transactions», say some charte-

          Investment/VAT exemption

          How the new system works

          W       ILL the economic machine
                  finally get going again after
                  the publication of the Cir-
          cular on Tax Provisions 2024? In
          any case, it is expected to answer
          many of the questions that taxpayers
          and practitioners are asking. One of
          the provisions on the minds of those
          concerned concerns the new system
          of VAT-exempt purchases of capital
          goods, with the right to deduct both
          on the local and international mar-                                                                    Capital goods acquired under a VAT-exempt agree-
          kets (see L’Economiste no 6683 of                                                                      ment with the Government are excluded from the
          17/01/2024).                                                                                           new compulsory guarantee scheme
          Since January 1, 2024, this incentive   came into force. «Since January of   the lack of visibility for banks regar- initiated up to December 31, 2023
          has been subject to the compulsory   this year, many of my clients have not   ding the nature of the required gua- and paid for in full or in part in 2024
          presentation of sufficient guarantees,   posted any sales, pending clarification   rantee. The practitioner recommends  will continue to be subject to the old
          already listed in a summary note pu-  of the terms and conditions for VAT-  that the administration publish a note  VAT regime. The new procedure for
          blished by the Directorate General   exempt purchases of capital goods.   on the operating procedure for bank  benefiting from the domestic VAT
          of Taxes (DGI) and taken up in grea-  What’s more, banks didn’t know what   sureties and other types of guarantee.  exemption (Article 92-I-6 of the CGI
          ter detail by the circular note. These   type of bank guarantee was required.   Moreover, not all such guarantees can  Code), as specified in the DGI circular
          include bank guarantees, pledges of   For new investors, the banks require   be formalized with banks, trustees, or  just published, consists for taxpayers
          public contracts or business assets,   the counterpart in sufficient provi-  accounting firms. In some cases, the  in submitting a request and provide
          bills of exchange, and mortgages.   sions. This is not an easy task», says   services of a notary are required.  evidence of regular bookkeeping, ena-
          According to some advisers, the     a chartered accountant. As a result,   As a reminder, a few days ago the  bling the goods he intends to purchase
          conditionality of this incentive has   some businesses have been unable to   Customs administration issued a  to be entered in a fixed asset account
          blocked transactions for many econo-  enter into any commercial transactions   press release informing the operators  giving rise to depreciation.o
          mic operators since the Finance Law   since the beginning of the year, due to   concerned that capital goods imports             Hassan EL ARIF
                                                                     Friday 16 February 2024
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